Category Archives: My Digital Footprint

My Digital Footprint

I wonder how long I will go on blogging which has become a bad habit now.

I am a one who loves reading Professor Edward De Bono’s books which include Beautiful Mind and lateral thinking.
In time to come people will have no time for thinking except creating digital content.
Cloud computing is one form of lateral thinking and that sea change is coming.
In fact it has already come.
I have decided to put my digital content out in the web and leave a very small digital footprint.
Below are the cloud people who made to change my way of thinking and habits.
This is a blog entry at createspace.
My blogging there going to be mostly academic and creative!
I love reading more than writing which is infinitely faster but because I love Linux and would like to promote Linux, I started blogging mainly on the good, bad and the ugly side of Linux.
Now where did I end up?
With CreateSpace!
CreateSpace gave me an opportunity to organize all my writing on Linux in one place.
Now, who kick my ‘butt” to make me writing?
It was WordPress!
But there my material is/was in digital form only.
Here I am in both digital and print form.
It is amazing cloud and cloud computing is catching up fast, but there is a little window for old habits of reading a book in one’s palm/arm/hand.
I am of that era, but when I go one day I will leave a digital footprint.
The sociologists when they dig up my digital footprint 100 years from now, hope they will find my humble beginning.
I started with a slate and slate pencil when I was a kid!
I cannot believe it.