
Chysalis a Debian based probably xfce windows distribution is fast to boot, sleek and attractive.
It  has lot of Debian packages.
I have listed few of the Debian (Mind you, Ubunbtu and Kboppix are Debian derivatives) in my nineties to illustrate how deep and dedicated the Debian community and developers and how deep they have gone in.

To know Linux one must master Gnome and Debian.

If you an average user go for other Live CDs but Core and Heart of Linux lie in Debian and Gnome.

Do not forget the Origin even though I had lot of difficulties learning it, when it could not support proprietary drivers for Graphic cards.

It has enormous repository, even the popular Linux Mint has produced a Debian base distribution. This is because the way Linux is moving each distribution cannot keep it own repository and update them regularly.
This is why we must have a convergence strategy for Live CDs. Desktop and Server.

Togetherness is strength and solidarity come with it.

Even though I have not elaborated fully with Debian but this is the way to pay back my dues.

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